When we travel, we get to see sights that we can only imagine or dream about back home. We will see breathtaking mountain ranges. We get to enjoy the far reaches of the serene seas. We also take in the nicely orchestrated views of monuments, buildings, and other man-made marvels that have cultural or religious significance.
More than just fond memories, we will surely want to take home photos and videos of the places that we visit, especially if the chances of us going back there are really low. Rarely do travelers go back to the same place twice, right?
Taking photos using your mobile phone’s camera is great. After all, the smartphones of today are in a race to make the most satisfying front and back cams, and some brands have actually succeeded in producing a system that takes photos as clearly as a professional DSLR camera.
However, there are some memorable scenes that are best captured by something that flies, pretty much like a drone. Our discussion of some such scenes here might entice you to get a drone for yourself. For reviews of some of the most enticing drones available on the market today, you can visit Dronethusiast.com.
Chilling on luxury yachts or fishing boats

If you are a dude who has been spending most of his time in tall apartment buildings in busy cities, the waters of the sea–especially those that you will see in Bali–will surely take your breath away. Their blue vastness is just so awe-inspiring.
When you finally go boating to explore more of the sea, you surely would want to get as much of the whole picture as possible. Photos taken through hand-held devices can only capture so much. A drone, however, can fly high and take cool shots of the vastness that you are in. It provides a unique perspective that could once only be attained when you are aboard a helicopter.
When you are in the middle of a festival

If you’ve been to the Philippines from January up to May, you will really understand why it’s called the land of a thousand festivals. Towns and cities during those times commemorate religious feasts that usually culminate in a festive celebration that is not only colorful but also storied and well-attended. The true essence of a festival will surely be appreciated if you are given a bird’s-eye view of everything. You will see just how many people are celebrating with you. You will also see how the bright hues of the festive dancers’ costumes blend as they form a unique hodgepodge of people and merriment.
When you’re riding an ATV in rough or sandy terrain

If you are somewhat adventurous, then riding an ATV will really be something that will excite you. Usually, ATV rides are offered in places that are rough and deserted (or at least they appear so); pretty much like those that you see in some parts of Dubai. If you want to document just how challenging your terrain is, then you might really want to consider flying high with drones and cameras.