Dr. Dain Heer, the renowned author, and lecturer has unleashed a new treatise on modern manhood, “Return of the Gentleman.”

The book is an exploration of what being a man – an actual man – means in the modern age.
This isn’t a tongue-in-cheek tome prescribing being like gruff sitcom dads. Instead, “Return of the Gentleman” aims to redefine what being a man in today’s world means and how we can become the best man we can be within those parameters.
Who is Dr. Dain Heer

Dr. Dain Heer is a bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker. He is a co-creator and leading facilitator of Access Consciousness®, a personal development modality available in more than 170 countries that has contributed to changing the lives of tens of thousands of people, over the past 20 years.
Dr. Heer draws upon his personal background and unique perspective to facilitate positive change in the world, and empower people from every culture, country, age and social strata to create the money, relationships and life they truly desire.
How To Be A Gentleman In The Modern Era

The book “Return of the Gentleman” is a self-improvement/self-help book with a rare purpose, namely helping men come to terms with not only the modern cultural landscape but also how to rediscover positive masculinity within that framework. However, it doesn’t necessarily take the frame of either parody or chauvinistic anachronism.
Nowhere does he say that you should only wear plaid, flannel or a suit…though a good suit is always a good idea…or confine yourself to a trade of manual labor. This is also not yet another unlettered broadside extolling the “alpha male” myth.
Instead, this book is more about exploding male stereotypes and getting into what a man can be in the 21st century.

To be sure, manhood – whatever that is – is in something of an identity crisis these days.
The dividing lines between genders are blurring. A lot of what we have been told about what being a man is all about turns out to be toxic, not only for ourselves but also those around us.
Not only that, but the conflict between what we’re encouraged to think of as “traditional” values and what works best within today’s culture leads to a lot of guilt, often as a result of lofty and unrealistic expectations of what a “man” is supposed to do.

What Dr. Heer lays out in “Return of the Gentleman” is that a man is not supposed to be a lumberjack or straight out of an action movie.
Instead, there is a way to be a gentleman in the modern era. It starts with recognizing toxic masculine behavior and myths, addressing them and also pointing out why they need to be left behind.
He also points out how to build nurturing and helpful relationships with peers and also with romantic partners and one’s children. He also gives the reader tools on how to work on being better, how to go about creating a better self both for one’s self and one’s posterity.
What Is A Modern Gentleman?

The point of “Return of the Gentleman” ultimately is about getting men – and women, should they read it – to see that gender stereotypes of the last century had some good points but also created some lingering problems for men and women both. The “Type A,” or “Alpha” or whatever one calls it may have some desirable traits (assertiveness, confidence, resilience) but also inculcates some fatal flaws, which are ultimately destructive both to the person aspiring to that kind of life and also to those around them.
What “Return of the Gentleman” aims to do is right the ship with modern masculinity. Instead of emotional unavailability, vulnerability and self-exploration are encouraged. Instead of a “man being an island,” the modern gentleman should seek out fulfilling and positive relationships with peers, colleagues, friends, romantic partners and ultimately with one’s children.

The book also encourages self-optimization, becoming one’s best self and pursuing a path toward healthy and sustained success rather than backstabbing one’s way to the top.
However, what you won’t find is advice to be meek and mild, as Dr. Heer also wants the reader to find ways to be potent as well as positive, personally, professionally and even sexually as – oh yes – male sexuality is a topic in this book as well.
“Return of the Gentleman” has all the answers for discovering what being a man in the modern era could be, and a must-have tool for helping you get there. Highly Recommended, you can purchase the book on Amazon for $15.95 Paperback and $9.99 Audible.