Think of the Bat Cave, but it’s filled with all of the things you love. A man cave is more than just a personal lair filled to the brim with Kung Fu movie posters and empty pizza boxes. It’s your own little getaway from the drudgery of life. After all, we all sometimes need to retreat to our basest needs, however mundane. Sure, going on a wilderness walk is a healthier way to get our mind off of things, but really, there are times we just feel like being lazy.
Before Building Your Man Cave
If there’s one thing you need in a man cave, it’s utmost comfort. You want it to be a place where you can be in your element. Everything, from the choice of lighting down to the finer details, has to be considered for the very purpose of providing you with a place to relax.
You don’t have to stress yourself out in making the ultimate man cave. You only need to know the principles at work. Whether you are a gamer, a graphic designer, or just a casual foodie who binge-watches anime movies on Netflix, here are a few things you need to consider when creating your very own man cave.
Find the ideal location

First and foremost, location is everything. You need to find a space where you can truly isolate yourself from the rest of the world. Your bedroom is an obvious choice, but there are also great places where you can set up your man cave. In fact, anything that provides ample space for all your stuff can pass as a potential man cave.
A storage room that’s barely occupied or a backyard shed are just some of the best places to convert into your very own man cave. Still, the size of the place itself should depend on the things you want to include in your man cave, which leads us to #2.
What do you want to do in your man cave?

Your man cave has to be created for a particular purpose. Usually, you might be thinking along the lines of a home entertainment room complete with a large flat screen TV, a video game console, and shelves stacked with comic books and DVD collections. Then again, the amount of stuff you need should be relative to the size of the man cave itself.
So, if you’re planning to set up inside an empty closet, you won’t get to bring as much as stuff you want. On the other hand, a basement man cave gives you the liberty to set up couches, shelves, and larger home entertainment systems.
Buy the things you love to complete your man cave

While setting up your man cave, it’s either you have too much stuff or you lack the stuff to put in it. In the latter case, you might as well shop around for decorations that would really complete the look and feel of the room.
You might want to consider getting a pinball machine or vintage arcade video games, or even a mini bar. And of course, for your Sunday afternoon downtime, you might want to purchase a good old-fashioned water pipe. Click here to find a collection of bongs that will make for a great chill-out moment.
With these tips in mind, you will be able to build a man cave where you can just be yourself!