Wearable tech is one thing, but the TapWithUs Wearable Keyboard and Mouse are straight out of science fiction. This is a revolutionary idea, designed to give you full desktop functionality in a smartphone- and/or tablet-compatible accessory while taking up far less space than the typical Bluetooth keyboard does.

The TapWithUs wearable keyboard and mouse is drastically different than any mobile keyboard than you’ve ever worn before. It’s compact enough to be taken anywhere. Provided you have either service
TapWithUs Runs Rings Around Other Mobile Keyboards
The TapWithUs Wearable Keyboard and Mouse runs rings around other mobile keyboards…LITERALLY. That’s because it literally IS made of rings.

The system starts with five transmitters that are worn on all five fingers, thumb to pinky. The thumb ring is the largest unit. Each ring is connected to the other and features individual transmitters on each ring. This gives independent and connected input from each, allowing you to tap with all five fingers.
A braided nylon strap links each ring as well, so it stretches and articulates well, moving with each finger naturally.

The TapWithUs system links to the device of your choice, be it a mobile phone, tablet or even a laptop if so desired. Any Bluetooth compatible device – 4.0+ – can be linked with the system, so it’s not entirely restricted to just the latest devices of RIGHT NOW THIS VERY MINUTE, and will also be compatible with many devices to come. Additionally, TapWithUs apps are compatible iOS 9, Android5.0, Windows 8.1, OS X Yosemite and later operating systems.

TapWithUs also has a number of available apps and training programs, giving the user plenty of resources to learn the system to the best of their ability.
Bluetooth keyboards that work with many tablets enable two-handed operation, for those that can’t live without the QWERTY layout. TapWithUs, on the other hand, does require one-handed operation. That does take it outside the norm of mobile keyboards. However, it is far, far more versatile than just being a mobile keyboard. It’s actually quite the bit of kit.
TapWithUs Has Revolutionary Capabilities
You can tap on any surface while wearing theTapWithUs system, almost functioning
Ever see the virtual display scene in “Minority Report”? It’s qusi like that.
The beauty of TapWithUs is that it also gives the disabled far more functionality than they might otherwise have. So long as they have even rudimentary use of one hand, they now have a way to
Additionally, functionality is hardly limited to mere typing and cursor usage. This interface technology can give the user greater control in editing programs, including video and audio editing. It’s tipped as being a great production tool for EDM production and with digital audio workstations as well. Graphic design artists should also find it incredibly useful as it gives you the ability to manipulate digital objects ina more tactile fashion.

It will, of course, take practice. TapWithUs estimates that up to 3 weeks to gain proficiency of 30 to 62 words per minute; the latter is the current record, so that would be quite advanced.
Battery life is 8 hours of use, with a 7-days and by time. It’s configurable, so it can be customized for any user to their desired specifications. Both white and black colors are available, but more colors may become available in the future.

Currently, the list price is $179 MSRP. Given the kind of functionality that the TapWithUs system appears to be capable of…that might just be the bargain of the century to date. Head over to Tapwithus.com and tap away.