AfterDrink offers a powerful, all-natural hangover cure (or at last palliative relief) that doesn’t rely on hocus-pocus or folk remedies that don’t really work. This product uses proven ingredients to help deliver you from your queasy, headache-y and otherwise moribund state after an evening’s carousing.
Not only that, but it’s entirely plant-based, free of GMOs and artificial ingredients, unlike sugary sports drinks.
AfterDrink is a supplement, which does come in capsule form so there’s no need to worry about drinking (more) suspicious liquids. How does it work? Let’s go over that.
However, we should stress that DudeLiving in no way encourages alcohol abuse. If you are going to drink, do so moderately and responsibly. Get a cab, a ride by other means, or a hotel room if you need to. Uber exists and therefore there aren’t any excuses for committing DUI.
What Causes A Hangover, Anyway?

A hangover means you poisoned yourself. There’s really no other way to put it.
The effects of a hangover are the result of your body having ingested more alcohol than your liver could process over a particular time period. As a result, your body has to fight off the effects of excess alcohol, which takes a toll on your liver and loses micronutrients in those efforts.
Put it this way: your liver has the ability to filter out about 1 drink per hour, definable as 1 oz of liquor, a 5 to 7-ounce glass of wine or 1 pint of regular strength beer. If you have eight drinks, it will take eight hours from the time you ingested your last drink to completely filter out. If that last drink happens at 2 am, and you wake up at 7 am…you’re going to feel the effects because your body hasn’t filtered it all out yet.
To build on that, this is partially why Gatorade, Powerade or similar sports drinks are part of popular hangover “cures.” You’re replenishing electrolytes (in particular potassium) and other micronutrients (such as B12 and others) by having that ice-cold orange (ish) beverage.
This is also why some people take a multivitamin before and after drinking.
What AfterDrink does is give you those nutrients that you need to feel better and recover. In fact, it works as a supplement on its own!
The AfterDrink Hangover Cure

So, AfterDrink is much like a multivitamin in that it has a powerful combination of compounds that boost liver function, immune function and brain function by delivering large doses of the micronutrients that are beneficial to those systems.
No drinks necessary, except a glass of water.
You take three pills before bed, and three upon waking, both with a full glass of water.
AfterDrink features a powerful antioxidant blend, which helps your liver filter out free radicals…like alcohol as well as that meatball sub and fries or pizza that you had with it. All compounds are plant-sourced, GMO-free, and AfterDrink is manufactured in an FDA-certified facility. There are no stimulants and no filler material besides a little rice flour as a binder.
The pills are plant cellulose cases, which are packed full.
AfterDrink Ingredients

There’s a slew of vitamins, including vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6, biotin, zinc, selenium, manganese, and co-enzyme Q10. Taurine, L-Theanine (the powerful ingredient of green tea) alpha lipolic acid, choline, and acetyl l-cysteine amino acids are also included to fight free radicals and help boost brain function.
Botanical extracts are also included, which include tumeric, ginger root, chamomile, milk thistle, and others. Tumeric and milk thistle contain compounds that are beneficial for liver function, and chamomile has long been used to soothe nerves and settle stomachs.

The most interesting ingredient is Dihydromyricetin, which is a herbal ingredient that increases your livers ability to break dwon alcholo, reduces liver damage and much more, check out the ultimate guide on Dihydromyricetin for more info.
In short, you take in the nutrients that help your body fight off the effects of illness or another malady, such as mild poisoning which is what a hangover is, shortening your recovery time. While an epic, five-alarm, “how did I get to Las Vegas” hangover will only fade with time, AfterDrink should definitely get you up and moving more quickly if you overdid it a little the night before. Definately recomended, head over to https://www.afterdrink.com/ and wake up better in the morning.