Thync Review – Technology That Changes How You Feel

thync review

Thync Electrical Brain Stimulation – Get More Energy or Remove Stress

One of the best wearable tech gadgets to come out of 2015 was Thync, a small wearable brain stimulation device and the brainchild of Stanford, MIT and Havard neuroscientists. Thync promises to alter the wearer’s mood by creating either a calming effect or boosting energy.

Such bold claims, right?

How does Thync work?

neurostimulation kit


Thync comes in a three-component kit consisting of a small triangular electronic device called the module, strips intended to be placed on the back of the neck and an iOS/Andriod phone application. The module is lightweight and with an outer plastic covering, and is powered using a USB cable.

With full charge, you should expect up to 60 minutes of soothing or electrifying vibes.

To use Thync, the module is attached to the strips. The strips are then attached to the front of the temple and the neck. The module is synced to the phone app through Bluetooth. Through neurosignaling technology called ‘vibes’, Thync stimulates nerves in the head and neck region to produce a calming or energizing mood.

It should be noted that this product does not actually send any current to the brain, and hence is not some form of transcranial direct current stimulation. It targets nerve cells and key hormones such as those involved in the fight or flight response.

As already mentioned, it has two types of programs; calm programs which are intended to soothe, generate sleep and reduce anxiety and stress, and energy programs for when you really need that boost and focus to get things done.

Where can you use it?


It can be used anywhere really – from home to the office. Although the calm feature seems to be extremely beneficial before bedtime as it helps prepare for sleep, and energy perfect for intense early morning activities and workouts.


Is it safe to use?

Concerns have been raised about the safety of the device and potential side-effects, especially considering that the device is intended to deliver waveforms to the body.

Thync has been tested thousands of times over a span of five years, and through these clinical trials, the company guarantees that the product has been proven to be safe to use. In addition, no side-effects have been reported so far by users.


Contraindications: Thync is not designed to cure any illnesses – physical, mental, neurological or otherwise. Persons with temporomandibular joint disorders or Reflex Syncope are advised to consult a physician if they intend to use the device.


Does it actually work?

best wearable gadget


Of course, the big question is if the device actually works or this whole affair is just a marketing gimmick based on the placebo effect. There are two things which we need to consider here. First is the number of studies undertaken by the company. The developers have carried out a number of studies, whose details have been furnished on their website, which established that the device improves the quality of sleep, and lessens anxiety and stress. Secondly, the product has very good user ratings, with most users reporting that they noticed significant changes when using the device.

From personal use I can say that it takes some getting used to. It’s uncomfortable in the beginning, however the app guides you and makes it a straight forward process. The feeling are hard to describe, the calm wibes are liken to the effect of having a glass of wine while the energy boosts did provide a stronger focus however not very noticeable but it is there. The energy boosts are similar to a cup of coffee.


  • The company offers excellent post-sales support, including a one-on-one video chat option.
  • Thync is an alcohol and drug-free alternative to altering your mood.


  • For the strips to attach properly, the skin needs to be oil and lotion free.
  • The strips are replaceable, although depending on use, one could last up to 7 sessions. A pack of 5 strips is currently going for about $20, which makes Thync not affordable for heavy regular use. However, the company has a subscription option, in which for a monthly fee, you get the strips at a subsidized cost.
  • It can be a bit challenging getting the hang of it at first. The first use was very uncomfortable and it was hard to get used to it. However after a few tries, it gets easier to use with time.

Final verdict

For any gadget enthusiast, with about $300 in pocket change then Thync is a must-have for those who need the extra boost. There is something very exciting about a mood-altering wearable, and we recommend this product to everyone!

Take a look at to learn more.


Author: Ibropalic

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